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My reading habits

My reading habits have changed drastically over the last year on #bookstagram so I thought I'd share my new habits and how I find myself...

The truth: I'm dyslexic

I haven't really spoke about this to anyone online and there isn't a particular reason other than the fact it just hasn't come up but I...

March wrap up

March was a super busy month for me and quite possible the best month of my entire life, on the most part due to the fact I went to see...

Captain Marvel review

Captain Marvel, directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, is a Marvel superhero movie where Carol (Brie Larson) crash lands on Earth and...

Love me, crazy review

Love me, crazy by Laura Burton is a love story to die for. A thriller about a young woman, Audrey, a teaching assistant at a religious...

Yellow for TOP project

Back in August of 2018 I saw a project making the rounds on Instagram and thought that I may as well check it out. It was the...

Isn't it romantic review

Isn't it romantic is about a young woman Natalie (Rebel Wilson) who hates the idea of love and soul mates who finds herself trapped in a...

March releases

March is going to be a great month anyway but to add to that some of my most anticipated releases are coming out too! I thought I'd share...

Self injury awareness day

March 1st is self-injury awareness day (SIAD) and I thought with this new platform it's important to talk about real issues that people...

Regalreadheadathon update

I thought I would update everyone on how #regalreadheadathon1 went because it went amazingly! If you don't already know the readathon was...

'Carry On' review

Carry on by Rainbow Rowell is a YA fantasy masterpiece about a magical chosen one (Simon Snow) who has to save the world of mages against...

My first blog post

Hi and welcome to my blog! I’ve been on Instagram for just under a year and decided that I needed a space where I could write more...

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