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A girl called shameless review

A girl called shameless by Laura Steven is highly anticipated squeal to the exact opposite of okay in which another high school girls nudes are leaked and Izzy O'neal and the girls from 'bitches bite back' will stop at nothing to get the laws on revenge porn changed by going straight to the source.

Laura outdid herself on this one and I ended up starting and finishing it on release day which I can completely understand as I was hooked from the very fist line just like the first book.

The character development was off the charts with this one, I almost found it hard to believe how much all the characters progressed but especially how much Izzy did. She is the perfect example of a high school student who doesn't know what she wants to do with her future but knows she doesn't want it to be stagnated and I don't think I've ever related to a character more in my life. She understands the need to make something of herself while constantly questioning herself and by the end becomes comfortable enough in who she is to be bad ass and I love her for that.

On a similar note the themes this book presents are so perfectly structured to demonstrate the fight for change as well as regular teenage problems such as crushes, the future, jobs, money, education and so much more. I especially enjoyed and found solace in the fact that I'm not the only one wondering what I'm going to end up doing in the future and preparing for what's to come.

Carson's development was impeccable and I couldn't cope with how sweet he was the whole way through. He went from the perfect love interest to the perfect feminist willing to try to understand Izzy's position in more detail instead of believing that because one minority have it harder their rights shouldn't be fought for. Ajita and Meg may very well be my new OTP and I'm fully in favour of Laura writing another ten books in this series so that I can see more from their relationship and friendship. They're the perfect match and I just wanted to die of happiness every time they were together.

The ending was everything I needed and so much more than I could ever imagine for Izzy and the other amazing characters in this duology. I honestly felt a sense of pride for what they achieved when they set their minds to it and how much change we need to make in the real world to be able to say we're progressive.

Overall I give this book all the stars and say, just like the exact opposite of okay, that this book is going to help change the world. Weather you consider yourself a feminist already, need a feminism class for dummies or believe like many people do that we don't need feminist you need to read this book and soon. It's the perfect example of a collective, of not just women, coming together to make a change and we need more of this in everyday life.

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