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Regalreadheadathon update

I thought I would update everyone on how #regalreadheadathon1 went because it went amazingly!

If you don't already know the readathon was hosted by myself and Maddie (aka. @thatreadhead1 ) and we wanted a jam packed readathon to get a head start on our TBR's to start the year off on a good note. And that's what we did.

We had two 24/48 challenges to bookmark the start and end of the 2 week long readathon and sprint challenges every single day for the whole time for smaller bursts of reading throughout the days.

I managed to read a lot less then i was hoping because of college and just a generally busy 2 weeks but I did get some reading done and I'm pleased with the amount. I managed to finish Infernal devices by Philip Reeve on the first day then Carry on By Rainbow Rowell, the Magician's nephew C.S.Lewis and the exact opposite of okay by Laura Steven. All of which I really enjoyed.

On the first 24/48 I managed 15 hours and 8 minutes which I wasn't expecting at all and only managed because of listening to an audio book but i'll take what I can get. on the second 24/48 I barely read anything because I was out both days and didn't have time. Although I'm really pleased with my results anyway I do hope to do better next time and top my achievements.

Thank you to everyone who entered we are so pleased with the level of participation and that everything went extremely well. The giveaway winner will be announced on Wednesday the 27th so may the odds be ever in your favour but if you don't win this time remember that there will always be another chance. :)

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