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August wrap-up

August was a pretty good month for me in most respects and I'm really happy that I managed to get back on track and out of my reading...

Grey skies book review

Grey Skies by William Becker is a psychological horror which will have you wondering what’s actually real and what’s not. After Roman...

July wrap-up

July wasn't as productive as I would have liked mainly for books because I found myself in a slump and just wasn't felling any of my...

June wrap-up

June was the height of my exams so it wasn't as productive as I would have liked but they're over now and I'm able to get back to my...

Fairy boys book review

Fairy Boys by Daniel Tawse is a contemporary LGBTQI+ coming of age story following Star who doesn't fit in with the other boys on his...

Twisted fate book review

Twisted fate by Dana Miller is a contemporary romance following Laina Jorden who has given up on love after her childhood sweetheart,...

May wrap-up

May and June have been the hight of exam season for me so I havent managed as much as I would have liked but they've still been good...

April wrap up

April has been an amazing month for me I've got a lot done and managed to read some really good books and see some really awesome films...

Love me, crazy review

Love me, crazy by Laura Burton is a love story to die for. A thriller about a young woman, Audrey, a teaching assistant at a religious...

March releases

March is going to be a great month anyway but to add to that some of my most anticipated releases are coming out too! I thought I'd share...

'Carry On' review

Carry on by Rainbow Rowell is a YA fantasy masterpiece about a magical chosen one (Simon Snow) who has to save the world of mages against...

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