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August wrap-up

August was a pretty good month for me in most respects and I'm really happy that I managed to get back on track and out of my reading...

July wrap-up

July wasn't as productive as I would have liked mainly for books because I found myself in a slump and just wasn't felling any of my...

June wrap-up

June was the height of my exams so it wasn't as productive as I would have liked but they're over now and I'm able to get back to my...

Toy Story 4 review

Toy story is the 4th part in the animated Disney Pixar series started in 1995. To say this film brought back all of the nostalgia from my...

The OA part II review

The OA is a sci-fi mystery drama centered around NDE's and interdimensional travel. In part one when Prairi Johnson (Brit Marling) is...

Good Sam film review

Good Sam is a feel good Netflix original about reporter, Kate Bradley (Tiya Sircar) who is placed on a more upbeat story after chasing...

May wrap-up

May and June have been the hight of exam season for me so I havent managed as much as I would have liked but they've still been good...

April wrap up

April has been an amazing month for me I've got a lot done and managed to read some really good books and see some really awesome films...

Captain Marvel review

Captain Marvel, directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, is a Marvel superhero movie where Carol (Brie Larson) crash lands on Earth and...

Isn't it romantic review

Isn't it romantic is about a young woman Natalie (Rebel Wilson) who hates the idea of love and soul mates who finds herself trapped in a...

March releases

March is going to be a great month anyway but to add to that some of my most anticipated releases are coming out too! I thought I'd share...

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