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Yellow for TOP project

Back in August of 2018 I saw a project making the rounds on Instagram and thought that I may as well check it out. It was the #yellowfortop project and they were asking for volunteers to make and give out cut outs at the up coming Bandito tour dates for Twenty One Pilots. The idea was that we would print out instructions for the project onto yellow paper and hand then out at the concert to anyone and everyone who would take one to hold up to their flashlight to make it yellow.

The cut out reads:

"Twenty One Pilots

the Bandito tour

Hold this up to your flashlight during Jumpsuit

to guide the boys away from Dema

It's time to wake up

All you had to do to volunteer was fill out a form answering some basic questions like what show, your name and social handles, how many cutouts you were willing to make, standing or seated etc. Then we were all sorted into group chats based on which show we were attending.

My group chat was alive all the time with a count down to the show and a group of amazing people giving advice and fangirling over the band.

I started making cut outs in January and ended up making over 200 to give out at the concert, as well as leaving one in the gift box for Tyler and Josh at the meet and greet. On the back of all my cut outs I wrote 'stay alive' which I thought would be the best thing to resonate with the clique. They only look small but they take so long to cut out and write so I spent a day doing it and had shadowhunters on in the background to pass the time.

On the day of the concert I bundled them all up and put them in my pocket to give out. I'm not the most social person and find it difficult to talk to new people so I was worrying about giving them out all day. Which I didn't end up doing. I got my sister to hand them out to the people in the pit around us and they really seemed to appreciate them. I couldn't help but smile throughout the concert when they were being used and the pit was lighting up with yellow lights because I knew that was my work and that I 'd done something to show the boys we appreciate them.

I'm so glad that I got involved the project and I know I would have regretted it if I didn't. If a project ever comes around like this again I know that I'm going to join in, it was so much fun and so inspiring to see my handwork held in the air as a light to guide the boys away from Dema and to show people they aren't alone.

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