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My reading habits

My reading habits have changed drastically over the last year on #bookstagram so I thought I'd share my new habits and how I find myself finding time to read with college and other commitments.

I used to be a one book at a time kind of reader because I didn't see the point in trying to read more than one thing at once. It's safe to say that my opinion on this has changed over the last few months especially because of regalreadheadathon's 24 in 48's. I'm such a mood reader that if I'm reading something I'm not in the mood for I will just ignore it until I finally want to read it. As you can probably imagine this creates slumps and huge gaps in my reading. So my new several books at once way of life allows me to read/ listen to books in different genres and styles so there is always something I'm in the mood to read which seems to be working really well for me.

I've also found a new love for audio-books as they allow me to do other things while reading although I don't really do that and more often than not just lie down and listen before going to be or when I wake up. Which allows me to read when I'm tired and can't concentrate on physical words on the page.

I'm been finding myself drawn to more educational/information books too, allowing me to stop and start whenever I want because of the small bursts of information. I've been planning an art journal dedicated to magic so I've been reading several information books surrounding the topic and writing notes down as I go along to add to my journal at a later date.

Always being a firm believer that reading more than one book at once would get too confusing and story lines would cross over I was more the sceptical to start using this method but now that it's in full swing I know that it doesn't get confusing especially due to the fact they're all quite different from each other and have little to no relation.

My schedule changes week on week depending on what I've got going on, this freeing way of reading allows me read whenever I have time and jump right back into books that I've been reading over a longer period.

Currently I'm reading 2 physical fiction books, a fiction audio-book and an information book to add to my journal. I like the fact that I can switch between them whenever I get board with one and although I'm completing fewer books I'm reading a lot more generally. At the moment I'm super happy with my reading habits and love experiencing the evolution to fit around different parts of my life. What are your reading habits? Do they allow you to get a lot of reading done? Let me know in the comments.

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