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Fairy boys book review

Fairy Boys by Daniel Tawse is a contemporary LGBTQI+ coming of age story following Star who doesn't fit in with the other boys on his estate. We follow him and his dad from their house in Newcastle to his Aunties house in Beadnell for the summer. Star thinks that things will be different out here but it turns out the boys are just the same, until he meets Benji and suddenly his summer is magic.

This story is perfect for younger readers who may be questioning who they are and where they fit in especially with the LGBTQI+ representation which may help for them to understand who they are. It's the perfect summer read, making you ready for the sun and the beach and the pure magic that comes along with summer.

The characters were so pure and amazing, especially Star who carried the story and his development arc the whole way through. His development by the end is almost off the charts which I appreciate considering where he started at the beginning. Kitty is the life guru that literally every preteen and teenager needs in their life not only being an amazing feminist with arguably the best line in the book

"I'm your worst nightmare, lads - a woman with mind of her own"

but she also helps Star so much on his journey of discovery as she lets him know that it's okay not to know who you are.

Star's and his Dads relationship was so realistic and natural I almost couldn't believe how well written it was. The development within their relationship was also amazing and allowed for their separate growth as well as their relationship to form a stronger bond. Benji and Star's relationship is to die for! I adore how Benji is always encouraging star to use his words and to speak out which ends up being a significant part of his development.

"Use your words. Always words"

The gender fluid representation present through Star's character was written beautifully and respectfully, allowing for an open-minded audience to understand him more and his progression.

Daniel Tawse has the most beautiful way of writing, his description of literally everything is so stunning that it takes only a second to visualise its beauty. It was such an easy read with natural and realistic dialogue it only took me a few hours to read it because I was so immersed in the story and characters. If this is anything to go off, which I think it most defiantly is, then his writing style is to die for and I personally can't wait for his next book so I can love that too.

The ending was so satisfying and everything I didn't know I needed when I started, the magic and open ending was the perfect blend to make my heart happy. Its not where I thought it would end of even how I hoped while reading but once I'd finished I realised it was the ending that I needed.

Overall this book was amazing and a summer must read, it will be everything you didn't know you needed and more. It's especially good for younger generations to help them understand their place, but I believe that people never really grow out of that stage and therefore it's perfect for everyone.

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