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The truth: Why exam season is the worst part of the year

I know it’s the summer holidays now, at least in the UK but I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while now and I’m finally getting the chance to write it. This is part of my ‘The Truth’ series and the first part in my ‘Exam season’ mini series so be sure to check those out too.

The primary reason is the lead up to the exams. We didn’t have study leave in college this year because they didn’t trust us to revise on our own time so we still had to go in for lessons leading up to and during exams. I love learning new things but revision lessons are the worst because you’re expected to know everything inside and out because ‘you should have revised this at home’ which is the most anxiety inducing thing ever because you’re sat there worried that you’re going to get called on in class and not knowing the answer so you end up not listening anyway. If you ask me revising as a class is awful especially when all your class mates seem to know what’s going on and tell you how much revision they’ve been doing at home which was the case for all of my subjects.

My general productivity plummets during exam season and not only for college related things but for personal activates too like reading, drawing and creating in general. If I do anything that could be seen as productive outside of work I feel as though that’s admitting that I’m purposefully not working and choosing something else over revision. But if I lay there and ignore everything it's as though nothing exists and I don’t have to feel guilty about not revising. So that’s pretty much what I do the entire time, its great for finding new songs to play on repeat but not so much for literally anything else.

When the exams actually start people are so on edge and stressed that the whole atmosphere of college is repressive and makes you even more stress and so the cycle continues. I don’t really get nervous for exams on actual day but I do get nervous that I’m going to be late, miss the exam, have my pen run out or another million made up possibilities that make it impossible to worry about the actual exam. Which makes the whole process so anxiety inducing that I’d rather just sit out of exams.

So basically exam season is all round hell and most defiantly the worst part of the entire year. I’m glad that it’s finally over for me and that I wont have to take any more exams. I don’t envy the people who still have to take exams after this. I know that some people work well under pressure and with exams; are you one of those people? Is there anything I missed as why you hate exam season?

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